Thursday, December 11, 2008

Back to work

It is December and all has gone as well so far. It is pointless to explain that the second half of November threw me off track just a little. Larissa is recovering and doing well. My little brother is married. This week, I'm back in the saddle, commuting through the cold dark mornings and evenings. I'm updating my music library for these days with some gritty Flogging Molly. Grinding in the wind and fighting the restriction of layers that keep me warm requires a mentality of a drunken bar fight.
I've assembled the old Specialized frame into a trainer for time trials: old and worn out Ultegra shifters, clip-on bars, generic OEM mismatched wheels and a hacked together deraileur and I have a bike to work out my position for time trials. If I can rig together a rear brake on it, I'll use it for the I-64 time trial this Sunday. Currently I've only been using it on the trainer. I have a nice little program on the Garmin for a time trial interval training:
4:oo at 75-95 rpm
3:00 at 140-170 bpm
1:00 at 75-95 rpm
3:00 at 150 - 180 bpm
4:00 at 75-95 rpm
6 mi at 165 - 195 bpm
2:00 at 75 - 95 rpm
6 mi at 165 - 195 bpm
2:00 at 75 - 95 rpm
repeat 3 times:
1:00 at 150-165 bpm
1:00 at 165 - 175 bpm
cool down 5:00 - 8:00

The total time for this has been ranging in the 50-55 minutes range. I have a 'long' TT program that extends the times and miles a bit more I think I'll start in January after I feel comfortable with my position.

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